Monday, September 26, 2011

Miracle Teacher?

I can't tell you how many times I've heard or read the saying about the many "jobs" of teachers.  And, not to "toot my own horn" but I've learned that they're very true.  We're not only teachers, but counselors, parents, nurses, etc...

However, I think we can say that about many professions (at least those who deal with people daily).  Below, Scott depicted the many different "roles" of a doctor through various sketches: a fixer, a counselor,  and an adviser, all while going home to reflect and handle whatever life brings.  (Isn't he talented?)

Anyway, from a more comical perspective, I would love to hear about this concept from a kid's point of view.   After being a teacher for four whole weeks now (!), I have a feeling that their job description for me would be quite a bit different.  Let me explain.. with real examples from my classroom.  (T stands for Teacher (me!) and S is for the student)

#1 Job: The Entertainer ... also known as the Billionaire.
A few weeks ago, five minutes into my math lesson, I find a note being passed around saying "I'm already bored!" Seriously, you're already bored!? I've been teaching for five minutes! Later, I pulled the instigator aside:
T: "Only five minutes into my lesson, you said you were bored.  What can I do to make it more exciting for you?"
S: "I don't know... we need like video games or something. 
T: "Of course."

#2 Job: The SuperHuman
A student with no papers in hand walks up to my desk (As a side note, I also have many names: Mrs, Teacher, Hey You, etc."):
S: "Hey, I don't get problem #3."
T: "Hey, I have no idea what problem #3 says." 

S: "You know, I'm doing the problems you asked." 
T: "Why don't we go over and look at the book? I haven't had the time to memorize all the problems yet."
S: "It's just a quick question... I moved the number, but I don't know what to do with it now." 

... Trust me, he really didn't want to walk back to his desk.

A similar example:

After taking a standardized test:
S: "What score did I get last year?"
T: "I have no idea.. I would have to look that up in last year's records." 
S: "My last year's teacher could tell us."
T: "Hmm.. she must be better than me.  Did she have a paper in her hand when she told you?"
S: "Yes... but you also have papers in your hands."
...He had a point. I had the papers... just not the right ones.

Last one:
#3 Job: The Relationship Master
[boy, earlier]: "[girl] is bothering me... can you make her stop?"
[girl] to T: "I need to know where [boy's] locker is."
T: "No, I don't think that's a good idea.  Lockers are our own personal space." 
T to [girl]: "Do you like this person? As in more than a friend?" 
[girl]: Yes, that's why I want to put a letter in his locker.
T: "Well, he's not feeling it right now.  I think he wants to try being friends for the time being." 

...All in one job's work.  :)


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