I've never understood parents that are so eager for their kids to go back to school. I mean, as a working mom, I feel like the weekdays go by too quickly and I only get to spend a short time with my kid. But, before you roll your eyes, I now get it. I am not ready for those few evening hours, or the busy schedules, but I am 100% ready for routine and structure. I appreciate the consistency of bed times, and will not miss planning our weeks with activities, but instead go to routine hobbies on specific days of the week.
In other news, this little chunky monkey turned 3 months. It was the first day of school when I found out I was pregnant last year. As any teacher knows, this day is probably not the best day to figure out something... but it explained why my typically back-to-school jitters were feeling a bit queasier. Being pregnant is a hard secret to keep, but it's crazy all that happens in a short year. Anyway, I'm unsure of his stats, but he fills out his clothes nicely. Mom had some training, so he experienced a few long days with dad and bottles for the first time. He did great, as food seems to be his favorite thing no matter where it comes from. I'm eager to start feeding him solids, though he seems like he'll be a kid to put everything in his mouth. He's drooling like crazy!
Here's a sweet picture of my two favorite little guys. Which reminds me, I need to print some photos and make Isaac look like he exists on the walls in our house.
As a conclusion, do any of you watch "The Goldbergs"? If you don't and are the family type, I'd recommend it. Scott and I certainly relate to the characters, and I find myself comparing to crazy Beverly (the mom) quite often! We've been spending our post-bedtime hour laughing at this crazy family.