Our Relationship

How we met:

This goes way back.  We've gone to school together since we were in 5th grade.  Growing up, we were involved in similar activities: Awana, various YFC/Campus Life activities, several clubs in high school, and band. After graduating, we also played pick-up games up frisbee (Well, I tried to play... Scott was more 'involved' in the game).

The summer after high school graduation, we hung out quite a bit with mutual friends.  Then, after going to college three hours away from each other, we started communicating back and forth through email.

About 1 year later, Scott asked me if I wanted to go to the movies and make things more "official." So, we went to see "The Bourne Ultimatum"  (romantic, right?).  Later, we went to my place and watched a chick-flick.

About 3 1/2 years later, Scott proposed! :)

The Engagement:
Scott had just gotten back from a semester at med school.  While I visited him on the weekends, I was looking forward to being able to sit down and spend time with him outside of schoolwork.

Scott knew that I really wanted to watch a movie together (med school kinda took that luxury away).  So, on the first full day of break, he texted me and asked if I wanted to watch a movie at his house.  Later, I went to his house, not expecting anything.  We stayed downstairs for a while watching TV until there wasn't anything on.  Then, it was time for the movie.

Well, I got upstairs, and he had the movie all set up to go (on the new TV that he bought on Black Friday).  It wasn't the expected movie.  He put his arms around me and we watched a movie he put together of us and some snazzy video editing of him proposing to me.  My explanation doesn't remotely do the movie any justice, so you can watch it below.
It's impossible to explain, but his snazzy editing made it seem like I was there when he proposed in the video. I wasn't actually there.  He did the whole "ring thing" after the video. We weren't being taped...

The Wedding
After a total of 4 years of dating, we were married on August 13th, 2011.  Here are just a few snapshots:
Photos by Joy Photography
The handsome groomsmen - From left: Andy, Androuw, Kyle, Ben, Gerry
The lovely bridesmaids - From left: Clare, Stacie, Anna, Sarah, Angelina
The Bridal Party: Stephanie, Ben, Sarah, Gerry, Anna, Kelly, Andy, Clare, Kyle, Stacie, Androuw, Angelina

The Honeymoon
We did quite the loop...Traverse City for Sleeping Bear Dunes, Mackinac Island, Pictured Rocks in the UP, and Tobermory in Canada.
Miner's Fall in the UP

Year 1: 
As a lady at church told us, we have a "Weekend Marriage."  While it's not ideal, I work two hours away from where we live.  So, I see Scott once a week and on the weekends.  But, being a first year teacher and a second year medical student, we keep plenty busy and value the time we have together.
Year 2: 
We're finally living together. :) I feel like it's first year all over... learning to live with each other, learning each other's pet peeves, what we like, don't like, etc.  I'm still commuting to work (1 hours each day this year rather than two last year), but it's worth coming home to each other at night.
Year 3: 
Wrapping up med school.  On to residency across the state.
Year 4: 
Baby #1 on the way. New jobs. Selena tried a charter school.
Year 5: 
Scott and Selena transform to mommy & daddy. We became first time homeowners and Selena changed back to public school.
Year 6: 
Changing our love of hiking to a love for exploring kid activities.  We now enjoy zoos, playing at the park, stroller rides, and trying new foods.
Year 7: 
Continue our exploration into parenthood.  Mom spends her evenings looking for trains to ride, new places to visit, events to see, etc. We like to keep busy.
Year 8: 
Baby #2 is on board! Nolan upgrades to big brother. Another move to a new state.