For once, I feel as though we have way too much for a blog post. I'll break it into two posts for the night. It looks like I need to get the baby blog going for number 3, so he doesn't feel left out when he's older.
Most importantly, while a month late, welcome to the world, Baby Grant! Grant Joseph was born on September 26th. He was our largest baby at 8lbs 11oz, and 21inches. He's been such a sweet addition to our family. He's a sweetheart, loves to cuddle, and is very calm. I'm sure that will change, but for now, I appreciate his easy-going demeanor.

As for the big brothers, they are welcoming the new brother better than I had anticipated. Nolan has really taken to his big-brother status. He affectionally calls Grant and Isaac "his babies" and is the best at helping me get random things on the other side of the house, being an extra pair of hands and eyes, and singing/reading to them. I expected to have a big regression from Isaac, as he is pretty content laying claim to being the baby in the house. But, he's been a blast to watch take on being a big brother. He did steal one of Grant's two pacis (that makes the score Grant: 1, Isaac: 6), but he's been okay letting him have one. He likes putting the paci back in Grant's mouth (or taking it out until we notice and then he will put it back in) and likes putting diapers in the trash. He will do anything if it results in the cheering of "yay Isaac!" with lots of clapping. He gives him kisses and pets him nicely. Yes, I said pet. He also has sat on him and meowed at him... he gives equal treatment to Grant and Floyd. He also recently enjoys running and beating me to the baby swing, where he sits and stares and smiles that he got it before the baby. All in all, I'd say he's adapting perfectly.

I think we're most often asked about his hair color. While most of it is shedding, he's definitely our darkest haired kid. It doesn't look red, or at least anywhere close to Isaac's coloring. His eyes are a dark blue. As my family has pointed out, it seems like we have hit the Neapolitan trifecta: dirty blonde, bright red, and dark brown. We'll see if it stays that way.