As a family, we're keeping plenty busy with swim lessons, tennis lessons, pet training and raising, and the daily struggles that come with raising three boys.
Over winter break (how does that already seem so distant?), Nolan turned seven. He still immerses himself in LEGO daily, with Toothless (the bearded dragon) by his side. He also recently took an interest in video games, and I can foresee what our future looks like. He enjoys school, learning new things (especially science and math), and telling anyone and everyone about his pet.
Isaac does a nice job of making sure everyone remains silly. While he doesn't have a preference in calm, quiet activities, he does like to make everything a full body experience. His favorite activities include anything that are completely independent: sneaking candy/popsicles and finding the perfect hiding place for them, jumping off objects while screaming "boing", and making anything move in a train-like fashion. He's that perfect mix of goofy, mischievous, snuggly, and independent.
Grant's personality has yet to be determined. He's got one, that's for sure. I often think he is my sweet and sensitive one. But, then there are days when he's definitely not that. Being the third forces that "sensitivity" to harden quickly, so I'm still learning him. He's also getting 4 molars, so sweet can't always describe him either. It's been a rough month. But, he's cute, chunky, and learning the ropes of being big very quickly.
These boys are growing up way too quickly, and I love watching their friendship for each other grow. They can definitely have their fights and difficulties, but watching them learn how to include each other is truly my favorite thing.
Hope you're staying warm and enjoying the snow! ❄