However, I think we can say that about many professions (at least those who deal with people daily). Below, Scott depicted the many different "roles" of a doctor through various sketches: a fixer, a counselor, and an adviser, all while going home to reflect and handle whatever life brings. (Isn't he talented?)
Anyway, from a more comical perspective, I would love to hear about this concept from a kid's point of view. After being a teacher for four whole weeks now (!), I have a feeling that their job description for me would be quite a bit different. Let me explain.. with real examples from my classroom. (T stands for Teacher (me!) and S is for the student)
#1 Job: The Entertainer ... also known as the Billionaire.
A few weeks ago, five minutes into my math lesson, I find a note being passed around saying "I'm already bored!" Seriously, you're already bored!? I've been teaching for five minutes! Later, I pulled the instigator aside:
T: "Only five minutes into my lesson, you said you were bored. What can I do to make it more exciting for you?"
S: "I don't know... we need like video games or something.
T: "Of course."
#2 Job: The SuperHuman
A student with no papers in hand walks up to my desk (As a side note, I also have many names: Mrs, Teacher, Hey You, etc."):
S: "Hey, I don't get problem #3."
T: "Hey, I have no idea what problem #3 says."
S: "You know, I'm doing the problems you asked."
T: "Why don't we go over and look at the book? I haven't had the time to memorize all the problems yet."
S: "It's just a quick question... I moved the number, but I don't know what to do with it now."
... Trust me, he really didn't want to walk back to his desk.
A similar example:
After taking a standardized test:
S: "What score did I get last year?"
T: "I have no idea.. I would have to look that up in last year's records."
S: "My last year's teacher could tell us."
T: "Hmm.. she must be better than me. Did she have a paper in her hand when she told you?"
S: "Yes... but you also have papers in your hands."
...He had a point. I had the papers... just not the right ones.
Last one:
#3 Job: The Relationship Master
[boy, earlier]: "[girl] is bothering me... can you make her stop?"
[girl] to T: "I need to know where [boy's] locker is."
T: "No, I don't think that's a good idea. Lockers are our own personal space."
T to [girl]: "Do you like this person? As in more than a friend?"
[girl]: Yes, that's why I want to put a letter in his locker.
T: "Well, he's not feeling it right now. I think he wants to try being friends for the time being."
...All in one job's work. :)