So far, the move was painful. Someone once asked me if I thought it'd be better to move pregnant or with a baby. Well, pregnant hands down. Sure, I wasn't that far along when we moved last time, but it's next to impossible with a baby. We didn't even get my happy-go-lucky baby. We got a sick, ear-infected baby who wanted nothing more than to be held. And, we had rental showings in the evenings the weeks leading up to the move to complicate the process. It was miserable. Luckily, though, we have wonderful family who saved us during the move day.
By now, we're basically all moved in. And by basically, I mean that we still have a room to go, a garage to finish organizing, and a few things to hang, but we love it here. There's more places to sit, more room to move around, and pictures on the wall finally make our place feel like a home. I have a terrible habit of refusing to hang pictures in a rental house (unless, of course, the nail is already there... then I find something to hang on it). Here, it felt risky nailing things into the wall, adding shelves, etc. But, I'm so happy that everything is coming together. I'm looking forward to watching Nolan learn to walk, talk, and play here.
And, growing up seems to be happening way too quickly. How do we already have a 7 month old? A scooting 7 month old? He's not all that interested in crawling, but he loves to stand up against all of our furniture, which of course makes him think he's hot stuff. Other loves? Anything outside, swinging, water, being thrown up in the air by daddy, frozen blueberries, and my favorite, kisses.
On a slight change of pace, if you know us, you know we're not lying when we say that we have the worst luck. We've found it laughable at this point and come to expect that things don't work out the way we think they should. It's always just a nice reality check. So, it was only fitting that our first week in our home, we found a groundhog hole in our back yard and had high hopes of catching the giant thing. We borrowed some live traps, got some of Nolan's floor veggies (you know, the 9/10 that don't make it in his mouth), and set it up. The next morning, the AT&T guy came to our house (cable/internet issues on top of that), and asked if we were intentionally holding a skunk in the back. "What!?" So, 2 days and $100 later, the Critter Control arrived. We're back to enjoying our backyard again, but the skunk said goodbye in a dramatic, smelly fashion. The stinker groundhog is till making himself noticeable (like in our garage), but is always one step ahead of our trapping skills.
And finally, in other news, Scott's officially a PGY2. Yep, he's out of intern year (yay!!!) and into strictly radiology. For now, that means we have weekends together (despite some necessary nightly reading), and a more predictable schedule. But, like every other year of this medical journey, I'm finding that a year without board exams isn't any cheaper. Now, we're required to join costly organizations for board certification. Lately, I feel like the medical journey (med school, residency, fellowship, etc.) needs a how-to guide filled with tips of unexpected costs every year, what to expect, when to expect what, and some overall words of encouragement. All in all, though, Nolan and I couldn't be more proud of all the work he does. :)
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