Saturday, May 16, 2020

Isaac is One!

It's certainly hard to believe that our sweet, red-headed little peanut is one! Where did this year go? It's certainly been an odd year to enter this world, but he definitely makes everything a bit brighter.

He adores his kitties, big brother, and snacks.  Also, anything can be made better with his 3 pacis.  He throws each one (one by one) out of his crib if he wants some more visits from mom and dad, and is quickly comforted by their presence when he adds another bruise to his collection.  While he's not yet walking (we're close... he just has no desire to take that independent step), he loves to show off his balance as he crawls and then stands to destroy participate in whatever Nolan is working on.

He's a bit of a stinker too - but the cute kind that you have to turn your head away as you hold back laughs while trying to discipline. He enjoys smiling back when you say "no", trying to make himself fake cry, and getting into just about everything.  If he's quiet at all, he has likely found a toilet or cat fountain. We also enjoy how he yells back at Nolan if Nolan is upset or frustrated with him, or when he has to babble just as loudly as Scott and I when we are trying to get through a conversation. He is a bit manipulative into finding ways not to sleep, but his smile and big grins are very persuasive.

I am happy we had the chance to celebrate Isaac when everything is calm.  More on this later, but in the upcoming month we have another big move, and Scott finishes his training. While we are excited about what the next month brings, we would be lying if we said we weren't nervous, anxious, and a little on edge about moving during a pandemic. I would also be lying if I said I wasn't eager to finish work for a couple months and truly enjoy my kids instead of constantly trying to juggle too many hats during the work day. Teachers, we're almost there. 

We're eager to, hopefully one day soon, re-introduce Isaac to all of our family and friends. Oh, and get him and daddy a haircut. Mom doesn't want the guilt of messing up dad's, and first cuts on little guys seem incredibly difficult. Until then, we cross our fingers that science can make visits with our family possible and safe soon. 

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